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The Growth of Experiential Marketing

Brands and organisations are creating bigger, bolder experiences. Budgets for experiential marketing are growing across sectors - from B2B to consumer brands and tech giants. Find out why businesses are making the effort to create experiences that stick.

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Richard Smith

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Brands and organisations are creating bigger, bolder experiences. Budgets for experiential marketing are growing across sectors – from B2B to consumer brands and tech giants. Find out why businesses are making the effort to create experiences that stick.


Budgets for Engagement Marketing Set to Grow

Experiential marketing is the most profound interaction a business entity can have with an audience – perhaps even deeper than the service or product itself – because it creates an immediate, memorable, strong emotional bond.

The value in this bond is tangible – and companies have started to take note.

With celebrity and artist collaborations, and immersive, one-of-a-kind events, these brand experiences are unmissable for some fans. This gradual evolution has led to budgets for experiential marketing campaigns growing year on year, with this predicted to continue in 2019.


The Role of Aircraft Charter in Bespoke Experiences

An experience doesn’t begin at a destination – it starts from the moment it’s first anticipated. The first marketing message or the first sight of an invitation – that’s the moment the experience begins. Getting it right from the start is key to a positive outcome.

Aircraft charter for experiential marketing keeps the experience bespoke, at key points in the journey. Check in can be expedited, private branded terminals can be arranged, aircraft can be dressed and liveried with custom branding – even in flight menus and entertainment can be specified.

A brand’s values and their vision for the experience can be maintained throughout – even at what would normally be considered pain points. It gives greater control, and that’s important when a brand has so much riding on the success of their experience.

Commercial air travel just can’t offer the same – and that’s why we’ve been called on time and again to arrange bespoke air charter experiences.


ACC’s Work in Experiential Marketing


Sony Ericsson – Gig in the Sky

ACC arranged the modified Boeing 757 for Sony Ericsson’s Gig in the Sky – a record-breaking, exclusive experience with Jamiroquai.

140 competition winners from all over the world were invited to join Sony Ericsson on an exclusive flight from Munich to Athens, for a night of live music and entertainment from Jamiroquai.

On board the plane to Athens, Jamiroquai performed a live set after dinner – during which, ten lucky winners found a Golden Ticket on their food tray, for a meet and greet with frontman Jay Kay at the afterparty in Athens.

Once the plane arrived in Athens, passengers headed to the terminal for the afterparty – where Jamiroquai played an additional set followed by a DJ, and the party went on until midnight. After an unforgettable night, winning guests were transported to their hotels.


Expedia – Speed Dating in the Sky

The objective of the day was to break the world record for speed dating in the sky.
Invited guests included FHM, Cosmopolitan and Hello, newspaper journalists, The Guinness World record Adjudicator and a film crew.

In order to break the world record, 50 people had to speed date on the aircraft above an altitude of 35,000 feet. In total, there were 60 daters on board sat at the front of the aircraft over 15 rows.

To break the record, only 50 speed dates had to be made. Dates were set for a three minute period and began once the aircraft reached 35,000 feet. Dates continued for 80 minutes in order for the world record to be reached.

The experience was a huge success – the record was smashed, guests had an amazing time – and crucially, the event gathered coverage from high profile papers and magazines.


Why Experiential Marketing?

Major brands have major marketing budgets – and these budgets are some of the most heavily scrutinised elements of an organisation’s expenditure.

When it comes to marketing, it’s a very noisy world. TV and print advertising, digital ads and social media are utterly saturated mediums. Outcomes depend on reach and impact, neither of which are guaranteed.

Experiential marketing cuts through all the noise and creates a direct line of communication between brand and audience. For brands, that’s a huge draw. For their audiences, it’s an enticing proposition (if pulled off correctly).

Outcomes still have to be measured, and will face the same scrutiny as those from any other marketing channel – but it jumps first hurdles of reach and impact with ease.

It’s significantly more expensive than other campaigns, but as the experiences become more and more elaborate and influential, attendees are growing more comfortable with paying to participate.


ACC – Air Charter for Experiential Marketing

Let’s talk about your brand experience. We’re available 24 hours a day, from anywhere in the world, on +44 (0)1737 232 230 – or send your message to

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