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Richard Smith

Director of Key Accounts and Marketing

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Richard has worked in aviation for more than 30 years. He joined ACC in 2018 to oversee our rapidly growing aircraft charter division, ACC Charter.

Richard has a track record of delivering consistent business success in highly competitive markets worldwide, blending a customer-focused approach with his ability to build strong teams.

Latest insights from Richard

Tour operators and the value of a charter specialist

The last two years have been a time of unprecedented change and challenge for the travel industry - but confidence appears to be returning, and momentum is building as we look ahead to the rest of 2022 and into next year. 

3 May 2022 Read more

The role of air charter as women’s sport continues its ascent

After two years of lockdowns and travel restrictions, 2022 is a bumper year for women's sport. The world's appetite for televised women's sports soared during the pandemic - and the interest shows no signs of disappearing now that fans can travel and stadiums are full again.

14 April 2022 Read more

Charter continues to be an optimal travel solution for football

The first few weeks in 2022 are expected to be busy for the international team and player travel. “We have been working hard this month on private air travel, bringing players and their families into the UK”, says Mitch Broadstock, the ACC Aviation Senior Business Development Manager.

17 January 2022 Read more

ACC Aviation’s air charters keep the international sports industry flying during COVID

Private charter is an optimum form of air travel, enabling elite athletes to keep fully in control of their itineraries. Without it, many international sporting events simply would not have happened.

7 December 2021 Read more