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Reducing the Impact of Air Travel on Player Performance

The role of aircraft charter in minimising the impact of air travel on player performance and the importance of using a reputable air charter expert.

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Richard Smith

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Clubs employ highly trained experts across a range of disciplines to monitor, analyse and manage their team’s schedules to ensure that they are able to play at their very best.

Similarly, when it comes to creating a tailored flight schedule that prioritises player wellbeing, for time-critical medical assessments and contract signings, away fixtures, pre-season training camps or touring, it makes sense to seek out an expert to ensure your team are in the best possible hands.

Why book an aircraft charter?

Performance is dictated as much, if not more, by the quantity and quality of rest and recovery time as it is by how hard a team trains.

Prolonged travel is one of a number of factors that can have a significant impact on players’ sleep and recovery.

Top-flight teams go as far as to build dedicated accommodations adjacent to their training facilities in order to provide a controlled environment for optimising player rest and rehabilitation following travel to a fixture.

Coordinating a travel schedule that takes into account the need for teams to recover any sleep deficits prior to fixtures, competitions or training is vital to enhancing the chances of players performing at their peak and reducing the likelihood of injury.

Aircraft charter provides a tailored itinerary using the most convenient airports and an optimised schedule. Additional elements, such as expedited check-in and security, are also incorporated, all aimed at reducing travel time and maximising the players’ recovery period.

It also enables clubs to accommodate the squad, support staff and equipment on a single aircraft and deliver an in-flight service customised to meet the players’ specific nutritional requirements.

In addition, the peace of mind that comes with having the operational aspects of team and player travel taken care of leaves managers and coaches free to focus their attentions on their players.

Why is it important to use a reputable air charter broker?

Clubs rely on teams of experts, from nutritionists and physiotherapists to sport scientists and psychologists, to ensure that their players are in top shape, physically and mentally.

It is similarly important to seek out a specialist when it comes to arranging football team air travel.

Chartering an aircraft for a football team or players is about more than simply finding the right plane.

A trustworthy aircraft charter professional prioritises passenger safety above all else.

In addition to making all operational arrangements on the team’s behalf, they carry out essential due diligence, carefully vetting each operator prior to proposing an aircraft to a client.

This includes obtaining copies of a valid Aircraft Operator Certificate (AOC), a requirement for any carrier operating a flight for commercial gain, an Air Worthiness Certificate, certifying that the aircraft meets the legal standards for safe operation, a Certificate of Registration and Certificate of Insurance.

They will also obtain all necessary permissions in order for the flight to operate legally and safely.

Recently, illegal charters, or grey charters, have been making headlines, further emphasising the importance of booking aircraft charter flights through a reputable broker.

What is a grey charter?

A grey charter is an unlicensed aircraft charter operation, meaning that the operator or owner does not hold a valid AOC.

The pilot may not have a licence to fly commercially and the flight may not meet the same standards for aircraft maintenance, flight operations, ground operations, crew experience and training as those operated by a certified operator.

Less heavily regulated and incurring lower costs than commercial operators, there is a growing trend in the number of illegal charters, according to The Air Charter Association (BACA), with private owners and operators often enticing customers by charging less; with such widespread lack of awareness surrounding aircraft charter regulations, customers are often oblivious to the fact that the flight is illegal.

Aside from the potential safety issues, illegal charter operations are, by their nature, not covered by insurance – so, in the event that an incident does occur, any participants, irrespective of whether they are aware of the flight’s illegality, are not covered.

There are a number ways to ensure that the charter flight being booked is legal, however, a useful rule-of-thumb can be found in the age-old adage that if the price sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

The most certain way of ensuring that you are booking team and player air travel that prioritises passenger safety and player welfare is to speak with a reputable BACA-registered aircraft charter expert.

For more information on booking an aircraft charter, speak with one of our experts on +44 (0)1737 237 707 or make an enquiry.



Article as featured in fcbusiness.

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