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A Message From Our CEO

A message from ACC Aviation Group CEO, Phil Mathews, to our suppliers, clients, aviation industry colleagues and staff across the globe.

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Philip Mathews

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Dear colleagues,

The outbreak of COVID-19 has caused unprecedented disruption across the globe.

While the virus may have had a significant impact on our way of life, by working together I have every confidence that we will come out the other side even stronger.

Aviation has been hit particularly hard by the global restrictions on movement. I have been fortunate enough to enjoy a career in this industry that spans more than 30 years – and yet I continually find myself awed by the way in which the aviation community comes together through the toughest of challenges. Time and again, we persevere in the face of adversity – I know that this time will be no exception.

To ACC’s valued airline and operator partners; we have supported one another for many years, through good times and bad. While the future may be uncertain, I know I speak for everyone here at ACC when I say that we look forward to working together for many more years to come.

To our clients who continue to put their faith in ACC to deliver bespoke aviation solutions – from dedicated aircraft charter programmes to strategic advice and counsel – we thank you for your trust and loyalty during this difficult time.

Rest assured; our global teams are working tirelessly to provide the same exceptional standards of service you have come to expect.

And finally, to ACC’s staff and employees around the world – throughout this crisis, you have gone beyond the call of duty, demonstrating remarkable commitment, professionalism and teamwork.

I am immensely proud to be working with such a dedicated group of people.

We will weather this storm, as we have so many others – and be stronger for it. In the meantime, my team of aviation experts and I remain at your disposal 24/7, to help whenever and wherever you need us.

Wishing you and your loved ones good health,

Phil Mathews

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