Home / Articles posted by Zuzana Kralova, Marketing Manager (Page 8)

ACC Ranks in Sunday Times Profit Track 2020

ACC Aviation has been ranked in the Sunday Times Profit Track 2020 COVID-19 Edition, recognising the UK’s private companies with the fastest-growing profits over the last three years.

How Long Will the COVID-19 Outbreak Last?

Scientists, medical professionals and the international community at large are slowly piecing together a model for beating COVID-19. However, for business, the crucial question – one that nobody seems to be in a position to answer with any degree of confidence, is: how long will it last?

Coronavirus: The Impact of COVID-19 on Aviation

Spreading to more than 100 countries, the COVID-19 outbreak is causing disruption on an unprecedented scale. Governments worldwide have instructed national lockdowns – and with airlines unable to fly, aviation is one of the industries being hit hardest by this global crisis.

After Qantas’s Commercial Flight Record, What’s Next?

In October 2019, Qantas Flight 7879 marked a peak in the age of “ultra-long-haul” flights; non-stop journeys that employ the longest routes physically possible, topping out at 20 hours of flight time. So what’s next? Are there any distance records left to break?