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European Scheduled Airline

ACMI24 coordinated operational information, lessor’s crew positioning for second crew and HOTAC - all of which were confirmed shortly after contract signatures.

Airline customer: European Scheduled Airline
Lease Period: 1 return flight
Reason for lease: AOG
Aircraft: ATR-72-500
Config: All Economy

One of ACMI24’s regular customers had a technical issue on a unit in their fleet – an ATR-72-500, planned to operate six domestic sectors.

ACMI24’s night shift provided an immediate solution, working closely with the client’s and the lessor’s H24 operations departments. We finalised and confirmed flights, positioning the aircraft from its home base within three hours.

ACMI24 coordinated operational information, lessor’s crew positioning for second crew and HOTAC – all of which were confirmed shortly after contract signatures.

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